Day seven of Whole30 has been the best day yet. My carb flu is receding, and the debilitating hip pain that had me yelling and crying on the floor two nights ago is almost gone. Today is also the first day I’ve almost caved to an unapproved item—wine. I have a hard time relaxing because so many things hurt, and while I’ve been a light drinker for years, I found myself really wanting a glass of white wine tonight. I even went so far as to smell some freshly poured wine. But I abstained, and I’m glad I haven’t blurred the lines of the program.
Today’s exercise: 45 minute run; 15 minute walk; 15 minute self-massage and stretching routine.
Breakfast: Almond butter and half an apple before workout, then 2 scrambled eggs and coconut water after workout.
Lunch: Grill time—hamburger over lettuce, tomato, and cilantro with sweet potato and onion.
Snack: Nothing today, probably because I ate a big lunch.
Dinner: Baked chicken with homemade pesto and raw cabbage and carrots, finished with a frozen banana and frozen blueberries blended with almond butter.
General Feelings So Far: Like the designers of Whole30 say, it’s not hard to follow their plan. Living with fibromyalgia is hard. Eating healthy food can be frustrating, inconvenient, and time-consuming, but it isn’t hard.
I don’t have any new aches and pains, just a few standard ones, but I’m starting to feel better overall. I was even able to fasten my backpacking pack today and walk around the yard for a little while without intense pain, and I was able to sit through both lunch and dinner without having to stand mid-meal to relieve hip pain. When I woke up this morning, I couldn’t move my head at all because of neck spasms. I laid in bed and gently pushed my head from side to side with my hands, then progressed to turning it (supported on the mattress) slowly without my hands. After a few minutes of that routine I could turn further and was able to get up. A small victory, but a victory nonetheless. My hopes are still high that Whole30 will help me beat fibromyalgia.
Hello again
I am extremely excited to see how the Whole30 helps with your Fibromyalgia.
I had been off dairy and coffee for a good few months until 4 weeks ago (heavy on the milk, cheese and filter coffee) and with out warning my Fibromyalgia has flared up big time and running has had to stop for a few weeks until the pain settles.
How many runs would you try and fit in on a good feeling week and what would the recovery be like?
Do you do any other form of training?
Thanks Simon